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A Designer on Speed Dial

Retainer Package

Let's create stunning on-brand materials that will attract your perfect clients, every time.


The missing key to unlocking easy, on-demand, on-brand, quality marketing assets?
A brand designer on your forward-facing content! 

See how the magic works inside my Brand Designer on Speed Dial Package. (Without the contractor churn, the low-quality work, and extra fees that come from freelancer sites.) 

A Brand Designer on Speed Dial


20 hours

Let's do this!

Bespoke marketing assets.
Choose from:

  • Ebook
  • White Paper
  • Presentation
  • Social Media Posts (all sizes)
  • Magazine
  • Sales Sheets
  • Stationery

What folks say:

How many times...

have you stayed up late at night trying to make that last page of the ebook launching tomorrow look amazing, missing your kids’ game AGAIN, all while trying to impress your higher ups? 

What if I told you that hiring another freelancer or VA to do spec work, bringing on team members for the holiday season, and doubling down on your work load is not going to work and in fact, REPELLING your audience?

With my Designer on Speed Dial Package, we completely flip the script of what your competitors are doing. 

"Angel was a delight to work with! I enjoyed meeting her via Skype to discuss the job. She was easy to communicate with, adhered to deadlines and overall I would just say it was a great experience.

I will definitely use her services for social media graphics again and wouldn't hesitate to recommend her!"

"Angel is awesome! She was able to rush a time sensitive project for me and did a great job! Easy to work with and she's obviously done a ton of graphic design for marketing materials.

Will be back!"

"Another great experience with Angel, she did an exceptional job on this redesign project and did it incredibly fast.

Her communication is great, she finished the project way before the due deadline, implemented feedback very quickly and redesigned a great looking marketing asset for us.

Maybe you've already tried:

Say 'adios' to:

is a one-month container where you can work with a brand designer for all your bespoke needs, to ensure your marketing is on-brand, with high quality graphics, and confidence that your marketing will have the most ROI possible. 

Overflowing inboxes

Having to redo the work your VA did

  • Delegating the asset creation out to a team member, but they didn’t have your vision in mind and ended up not able to finish the project. 

  • Hiring a VA who can do the backend just fine, but they weren’t exactly a designer because the work needed editing after they were done. 

  • Hiring multiple freelance designers who all have different visions and everything looked different even tho the colors were the same, and the logo was slapped on the front. 

Want this all done for you? DM me for a call. Then let’s get to work on YOUR workload. 
It also means that you can stop chasing down those freelancers because with my project management system you’ll have access to all of the content, know exactly where each piece is and what stage it’s in, and best of all, ship your launches and posts EARLY, and allows room for your brain to do what it does best, the strategy! 

My A Brand Designer on Speed-Dial package is a done-for-you package built on a content roadmap and strategy for organizing a systematic and organic way to get you leads, brand awareness, and more sales in your pocket that doesn’t require an agency, an expensive team or working 20 hours overtime every week.

I’ll show you the brand content roadmap, how to systematically create quality assets even though you’re not a designer with years of experience behind you by using your brand assets correctly. Or if you decide to work with me, you’ll position yourself as the hell yes solution to your companies marketing asset dilemma that the higher ups will be thrilled with, and this quality asset creation will create leads and get done without you. 

My process allows you to create your marketing assets with ease, take the stress off of you, and take the first step towards getting things done, instead of delayed. 

Working late into the night to get your work done

Your digital assets designed from a Canva template (but not YOUR brand style)

Scattered workflow and assets everywhere

Deadlines looming with sub-par work to show 

Feeling embarrassed about delivering said sub-par work to your higher ups

Stressed out that it won’t be done in time

Unreliable help: Unsure if your contractor is going to deliver the work you need, or if they are reliable when you need them most

Worry that the value you bring to your team in is question 

Half-baked projects


Say 'hola' to: A Designer on Speed Dial

GEt your stuff done- fast!

Work with a professional designer who can do the work quicker and better than non designers can for your forward-facing campaigns and presentations.

beautiful, quality, and on-brand

  • Learn design yourself, 
  • Spend all your time in Canva 
  • Wonder if you should’ve gone with the other freelancer. 

Your brand designer is your partner

Your designer on speed dial is reliable, knows your brand like the back of their hand, and is in it with you for the long haul 

Reason #1

REason #2

reason #3

Ensure that your brand assets are just that, on brand. Not scattered. Marketing done right. 

This service is for content managers or content directors who’s responsibility at work is taking over their life! With more work to do than you can get done, and was needed like, yesterday, who can rest assured that their projects are getting done while you work on the priorities. 

Working with a brand designer will help relieve your stress, free up your bandwidth, and create amazing and beautiful on-brand assets perfectly for your audience. 

Without having to:

Hey there, I'm Angel...

Get rid of working weekends (unless you like those), creating sub-par work, in a scattered atmosphere, and your s**t together before those Q4 reports roll around. Save your time, stress, and energy by focusing on what only YOU can do. 

And 7 years ago I felt stuck and frustrated creating graphics using Canva templates (without customizing), but didn’t know what else to do to make the company's social media and ads look amazing. I ended up delivering sub-par work to my client. Embarrassing and RUDE at the same time.

I decided then and there I was going to learn how to design brands, with strategy, design and marketing principles, and to understand deeply why something looked great and reached the right audience or not. 

I’m a VA turned Designer, and since I made that decision, I’ve graduated from Design School, built my design studio, worked with hundreds of clients on their branding and marketing assets in ways that only a trained designer can. This offer makes sense for both of us without you having to fall asleep at your laptop. 

I help you get to the strategic part of your content, then I create what you need done and deliver results FAST! 

Introducing: A Designer on Speed Dial

Have questions ? Jump into my DMs @angelnicholson1 or send an email to

YES, count me in!

What if instead of hiring another person to join your team, costing you overhead and hiring costs, you actually needed a professional designer??
  • Be the hero to your company
  • Saves you money, time, and focus. You don’t have to hire a full-time designer, you’ll be able to focus on your work and do what you do best.
  • No half-baked projects
  • I am a branding specialist, so I ensure the whole campaign is on-brand, solid and cohesive, understand your business goals, and translate them in strategic and beautiful assets
  • You will look good to your higher-ups, confident that your work will be quality and you’ll be a valuable resource to your company
  • Want to feel good, and successful, and you want to support your company, but you can’t because the final product is less that


20 hours with a professional Designer

  • Instant solutions by working with me, a professional designer helping you with your seasonal campaigns
  • Deliver work to the execs that you can take pride in
  • Focus on all your other tasks while I take care of the design
  • Skip hiring a full-time designer with a consistent independent contractor package instead
  • Less stress and more peace of mind
  • Less worry about results
  • Reliable contractor with a good ROI, I will be there to help you design when you need me
  • I am your go-to solution
  • A professional to design your high exposure/ wider distribution project.
  • Cheaper options are available but not always the best, because they don’t know your brand

A retainer service with a twist. This is for content managers in corporate who just need thier stuff done- professionally. 

My 5 Step Process:

Work with your predictable design partner NOW with a no-risk option: call me to see if this is what you need. 

If you plan on building out your content marketing, this is a first step. 

Before you invest your time and efforts into creating your strategic marketing assets, or hiring the first person who you think would be a help, or diving headlong into Canva yourself, give me a call! I will walk you through the first steps to creating a systemic way of handling all your brand assets. Then show you how to use your brand guide to systematically create beautiful on-brand marketing materials and with time to spare! 

What it looks like


  1. Clarify & Strategize: Go over the goals of the project, or back up, and do a full brand content revision 
  2. Map out your brand content: We look at all you’d like to see created, and make a plan for doing it.
  3. Gather: All existing brand assets and art direction for your brand, create any elements that are needed, and create first drafts
  4. Revise: all assets and drafts
  5. Launch: Your on-brand ad campaign, your ebook, white papers, Presentation, slide deck, reports or socials.

How it Works



  1. Fill out the form below for a strategy call.
  2. If we decide to move forward and work together, we'll have a workshop and do a brand audit, and content strategy plan.
  3. Once that's complete, then we'll get started on creating the assets you'd like to create. 
  4. All assets will be installed in our shared project management platform, Trello where you can see exactly what stage your project is in, and the number of hours things are taking to get done. 
  5. Once the project is complete we launch, and I send over all the Canva links, assets in Google Drive and via email. 

You Might NOT Be a Good Fit If:


  • You don’t have a say in your marketing budget
  • You want to continue your processes as you have been
  • You’re not involved in the marketing, content creation, or marketing strategy for your company

You're PERFECT For This If:

  • You want to onboard a professional designer to take on your most forward-facing work 
  • You want your marketing to reach the right audience
  • You need less stress in your life
  • You want to streamline your high-ticket content and creation systems
  • You have to get back to doing the job that only you can do

Book a call now!

A Designer on Speed Dial

Sure! My beginner package starts at 2000 per month for 20 hours of work from a professional designer. 

Let’s chat about what you need and what your goals are. If I am not the right fit for what you’re looking for, I’ll tell you that too. 

What if I’d like to just try out your services before committing to a longer project? 

Do you design things NOT on the list? 

How do I know if this is right for our brand and company?

Before agreeing to work together, I host a discovery call and we discover together if we’re the best fit. 

How does this compare to brand design?

A brand identity design is an important first step, and during our discovery call, I’ll ask about what you have in your brand asset bank to see if we need to start with a brand identity design. 

What I offer is what most businesses have difficulty with- using the brand assets (logos, type suite, color palette, and image bank) to create their marketing assets that are on-brand, stunning and targeted. This is what I help you do. I act as the bridge between your brand and your marketing reaching the results you’re looking for. 


Inquiry Form

Please let us know about your project

© 2016-2024 Angel Nicholson design | website template by high moon studio | photography by lisa miller & unsplash